Please Donate
10,000 Trees could not operate without the generosity of donors like you. As we have no paid staff, 100% of your donation goes directly towards tree planting events.
Your donation goes directly towards the procurement of planting stock such as trees, shrubs, and wildflowers, planting supplies such as mulch, tree guards, deer fences, and tools and equipment necessary for successful habitat restoration projects.
By PayPal
To donate today, please click on the orange "Donate" button below and your donation will be processed through PayPal.

By Mail-In Cheque
Mail a cheque to 10000 Trees:
c/o Treasurer
1774 Eastbank Rd.
Pickering, ON
If you have any questions regarding donations, kindly contact us by clicking here. 10,000 Trees is a registered charitable organization and automatically issues tax-deductible receipts for donations of $25 or more. Please note that as all donations are processed by volunteers, tax receipts are issued manually and may take several weeks to process.
With heartfelt thanks,
Robert Roszell
Chair, 10,000 Trees​